Coming Soon! “New Genesis Children’s Ministry”

Coming Soon! “New Genesis Children’s Ministry”

Our youth are the church of the future…

Leading Children to Christ
Age Appropriate Learning
Biblical Based Teaching
Our youth are the church of the future. What they learn now, at this stage in their lives, will be an added blessing for their adult life. The need for a congregation of “True Worshippers” is eminent in this crucial time in history. God is looking for a people who will continue to preach Christ, just as Paul did. We, like Paul, must be the leaders to establish these kinds of disciples. Simple put, there is a need for a different approach of worship for our children.

Ministry Style – A bible-centered, learner-focused curriculum that involves children in an acative process of learning and encourages their application of lessons
– Unified curricula from ages 3-14 to ensure coverage of Bible themes, continuity of teaching and learning styles, and coordination of programs
– Clear presentations of God’s plan of salvation at age appropriate levels
– Balance of worship, instruction, fellowship, and expression
– Bible memorization
– Discipleship believers to a love of God and a life of service
– Established policies and procedures that are clearly communicated to parents, teachers, and children
– Outreach programs
