New Genesis Assembly of God Baptist Church was organized on August 9, 1995 by Pastor C.L. Norman with just forty-eight members. Our first place of worship was 5744 W. North Ave (Leak Memorial Chapel) Pastor Norman named the church “New Genesis Assembly of God Baptist Church”. New Genesis meaning “a new beginning” and Assembly of god meaning “ united together to do the Lord’s will and live his way, Christ like”. Members volunteered for the following: Church clerk, Announcing clerk, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Sunday school supt. Ushers, Nurses, Choir, Pastor Aide and Mothers Board.
Our first night service was held on February 2, 1997. Our first Deacon ordination service was held on July 6, 1997. Four brothers were ordained Deacons on July 13, 1997. The Youth choir was officially established.
On December 13, 1997 God blessed us with a new church home. A processional motorcade was led by Pastor Norman through the streets from 5744 W. North Avenue. To our current home 1400 N. Laramie Avenue. Upon arriving, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held before we assembled for our first worship service.
On April 21, 1998 Pastor Norman went on the airwaves with a broadcast ministry of preaching and teaching the word of god through prerecorded tapes and remained on the airwaves until January 1999. September 19, 1998 marked the Grand opening of our Feed the Hungry Food Pantry. Over 175 needy families were served during this act of sharing.
December 31, 1999 was our first watch night service held. April 19, 2000 was the beginning of our first monthly, mid-week service, held the third Wednesday of each month. August 16, 2000 the men and women of wisdom ministry were organized to provide a fellowship of sharing and caring for our senior citizen members. On July 1, 2001 the formation of the New Genesis greeters came into being. God is great and greatly to be praised. To God be the GLORY!!!